Trans Fat

Foods you must avoid

Deep-Fried Foods:

Foods that are deep-fried in partially hydrogenated oils, such as French fries, fried chicken, and onion rings, often contain high levels of trans fats

Commercially Baked Goods:

Many commercially baked goods, including cookies, pastries, cakes, and doughnuts, may use partially hydrogenated oils to enhance texture and shelf life


Some margarines, especially stick margarines, can contain significant amounts of trans fats

Microwave Popcorn:

Certain brands of microwave popcorn may contain trans fats in the form of partially hydrogenated oils

Packaged Snack Foods:

Some packaged snack foods, such as certain crackers, chips, and snack cakes, may contain trans fats

Creamer for Coffee:

Powdered and liquid coffee creamers can sometimes contain trans fats to improve texture and flavor

Frozen Pizza:

Some frozen pizzas, especially those with pre-packaged crusts, may contain trans fats

Fast Food:

Some fast-food items, particularly those that involve deep frying, may be prepared using oils high in trans fats