Tuberculosis second most deadly infectious disease, claims over 3 lakh lives in India


By Priyanka Deshpande

Published Oct 12, 2023

Non-HIV Tuberculosis (TB) fatalities rank as the second most lethal among infectious diseases, trailing closely behind COVID-19 fatalities.

When individuals with AIDS/HIV succumb to TB, their fatalities are officially recorded as AIDS/HIV-related deaths. Consequently, when considering all TB-related deaths, the overall figure surpasses the reported COVID numbers.

In India, HIV-positive TB mortality is 11,000 while HIV-negative TB mortality is 3,31,000, as per the WHO data. Take a look the estimated number of deaths from infectious diseases worldwide in 2022.

Estimated number of deaths: 0.62 million

Malaria (2021)

Estimated number of deaths: 0.63 million


Estimated number of deaths: 1.13 million


Estimated number of deaths: 1.24 million


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