Ukraine Peace Talks Address Critical Issues

Efforts to resolve Ukraine conflict highlighted at peace summit, despite absence of Russia and China.

Over 90 countries' leaders meet in Switzerland for Ukraine peace summit.

Key issues at summit: food security, nuclear safety, and child repatriation from Russia.

Zelensky seeks international consensus on peace proposal, stressing a just and lasting peace.

Absent Russia demands Ukraine withdraw from southern and eastern regions, stance dismissed by others.

Talks cover POWs, detainees, and repatriation of Ukrainian children, highlighting moral and legal concerns.

Summit highlights Ukraine's pre-war role as food exporter and current challenges from conflict.

Safety of Ukraine's nuclear facilities a major concern, with calls to mitigate conflict risks.

Global impacts of war highlighted, affecting food security, energy, and posing broad existential threats.

Focus shifts to possible second summit for comprehensive peace plan; direct Zelensky-Putin talks uncertain.