Unique Wedding Rituals From Different States Of India

The mother skips the wedding ceremony.

West Bengal

The newlyweds stay in separate rooms after wedding to observe Kalratri.

Bride's mother welcomes the groom by pulling his nose. 


The ritual is called Ponknu.

Nalangu: This one is a super fun and unique ritual. 

Tamil Nadu

Bride and groom need their friends to participate in a series of games on the mandap.

In a traditional Manipuri wedding, the bride and groom release two fish in a water body.


The ritual is called - Meetam-Nga-Thaba. As per beliefs, it brings good luck and prosperity.

Want to enjoy a desi version of La Tomatina? Visit Sarsaul town in UP.

Uttar Pradesh

The groom's family welcomes guests by throwing tomatoes at them instead of flower petals.