Valentine’s Day 2024:  10 gifts you should never give your partner

It is believed that giving shoes to your partner can be bad for your relationship because shoes are worn in pairs, and if you're not living together, it might lead to a break up.


Avoid giving black clothes because they symbolise sadness and mourning, potentially foreshadowing unfortunate events or even death in the receiver's life.

Black clothes

Giving a watch or clock might suggest the end of your relationship, as it's believed to symbolise time running out on your love.


Giving perfume to your partner may inadvertently imply that your affection will fade over time, resembling the eventual dissipation of the fragrance.


Sharing a photo of yourself as a gift may inadvertently evoke feelings of longing and separation, reminding your partner of moments apart rather than fostering closeness.

Photograph of Yourself

Giving a handkerchief may unintentionally invite sadness, as Thai superstition suggests that receiving it could lead to the loss of tears and emotional release.


Steer clear of gifting sharp objects to prevent potential harm or misfortune to your partner.

Sharp objects

Never gift a comb to your partner as it symbolises unity, and suggesting separation may affect your relationship negatively.


While a brooch may seem like a thoughtful accessory, it's associated with causing emotional pain and discord, akin to stabbing one's heart.


Though commonly gifted, glassware carries a superstition. If broken, it's believed to signify a fractured relationship, potentially leading to its demise.


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