Love Horoscope For Each Zodiac Sign

Valentine's Day 2024:

Producer: Priyanka Das Editor: Aparna Singh

Aries are all about high-adrenaline activities. Expect them to plan an adventurous travel expedition or dive into a sporting activity that tests their daredevil spirit alongside their partner.


Taureans prefer a relaxed pace in life. For Valentine’s Day, they opt for quality time spent at home. Their sensual nature leads them to enjoy a romantic date in a cozy setting, reveling in the warmth of their partner’s company.


Geminis, the social butterflies of the zodiac, thrive in social settings. You’ll likely find them at a party or part of an extended friend circle, engaging in lively conversations, animated discussions, and a bit of gossip.


Cancerians, always eager to shower care and affection, seize Valentine’s Day as an opportunity to deepen their romantic bonds. Unlike the outdoor types, they may choose a cozy night at home.


Leos aim to take center stage on Valentine’s Day. Living life to the fullest, they plan grand getaways and picturesque venues. Their regal plans include nothing less than a gourmet meal followed by a champagne celebration.


Practical Virgos stay true to their nature on Valentine’s Day. Rather than getting lost in a cloud of romance, they focus on the betterment and wellness of their partners. Expect healthy meals and detox drinks as gestures of care.


Ruled by Venus, Librans are inseparable from love and romance. Using their charming charisma, they plan surprises like well-wrapped presents, booked movie tickets, or reservations at a fancy restaurant.


Passionate Scorpios embrace the opportunity of Valentine’s Day to intensify their romantic pursuits. Sensual experiences take center stage, with activities like listening to love poems or diving into a mystifying novel to set the mood.


Travel enthusiasts of the zodiac, Sagittarians, won’t miss the chance to pack their bags for Valentine’s Day. They may spring a surprise by booking a resort and making all necessary arrangements for a special celebration.


Capricorns bring practicality to their love relationships. They showcase their hard-working instincts with efforts like cooking a meal, creating art, or buying practical items for their partners.


Known for their somewhat distant demeanor, Aquarians put earnest efforts into making Valentine’s Day special. Despite their non-emotional reputation, the ‘Water Bearer’ expresses uniqueness and creativity.


Pisceans go all out on Valentine’s Day. Their creativity shines through activities like painting a romantic canvas or writing beautiful lines in honor of their loved ones.
