Vegan Gulab Jamun Recipe

Producer:  Swati Chaturvedi

1 cup all-purpose flour, 1/4 cup almond flour, 1/4 tsp baking powder, 1/2 cup almond milk, 1/4 tsp cardamom powder, 1 cup sugar, 1 cup water, oil

Make Dough: Combine all-purpose flour, almond flour, and baking powder. Gradually add almond milk to form a soft dough.

Shape Balls: Roll small portions of the dough into smooth balls.

Prepare Syrup: In a pan, mix sugar, water, and cardamom powder. Bring to a boil, then simmer for 10 minutes.

Fry Jamuns: Heat oil in a deep pan. Fry the dough balls on medium heat until golden brown.

Soak in Syrup: Remove the fried balls and soak them in the warm sugar syrup for at least 2 hours.

Serve the vegan gulab jamun warm or chilled, as desired. Enjoy!