Walk on: 10 benefits of a 15-minute walk in the morning

Improves heart health Walking 30 minutes or more each day can actually lower the risk of heart disease, reducing the risk of stroke by a whopping 35 per cent.

Improves mood Walking releases endorphins, a feel-good chemical in the body that promotes a state of pleasure like laughter and love. This helps to boost the mood.

Manages weight Walking helps to jump-start your metabolism allowing you to burn calories faster. This will help to manage your weight. 

Strengthen your bones Researchers found that people who walked for exercise had a 40 percent reduction in the development of new frequent knee pain when compared to a group that didn't walk.

Controls blood sugar Walking helps to reduce blood sugar levels and helps to reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes. Walking at a brisk pace in particular is linked to a lower risk of diabetes.

Boosts immune function Walking helps to boost the immune system. It causes a change in antibodies and white blood cells that help the body to fight off illness.

Alleviates lower back pain Walking strengthens the abdominal and back muscles in ways similar to rehab exercises. Those who walked reported an overall boost to their physical fitness.

Reduces risk of cancer Walking helps to reduce the risk of cancers like breast cancer. women who walked at least seven hours a week had a 14 per cent lower risk of breast cancer than those who only walked for three hours or less.

Boosts creatvity According to research, walking helps to open the mind to various subjects. Walking helps to free the mind. 

Increases energy levels Walking boosts energy levels. It also helps to increase stamina. The  more you walk, the more invigorated you feel.

How much walk is too much walk? Benefits of walking daily