Moneycontrol News, July 28, 2023

Images: Canva

Walk right: Tips on posture, best shoes and more 

How long must one walk?

WHO recommends you must walk for at least 30 minutes for a minimum of 5 days a week for a healthy heart. If your target is weight loss, increase it to 45 minutes

Pro tip: Add 5 minute every day to your pace

Which shoes are the best?

Choose shoes that are not heavy, are flexible, and have adequate cushioning

Pro tip: Look for shoes with a well-padded heel and medial arch support. If you have flat feet, go for medial arch support shoes

How does one select clothes?

Your clothes should be comfortable, loose, and made of breathable fabric. Choose clothes that don't get wet

Pro tip: Do not go for fancy clothes. Avoid movement restricting clothes like skin-fitting jeans or tights

What is the right posture?

Do not walk like a penguin. Don't lean forward or backward as it will strain the muscles. Keep your shoulders relaxed

Pro tip: Don't look down and your foot motion must be from heel to toe

The arms' position?

Keep your arms at 90 degree at the elbow with left foot forward and right arm forward and vice versa for uniform speed

Pro tip: Do not copy march past action while walking or keep your arms in the air

Is stretching important?

If done regularly, stretching helps avoiding aches and pains. After walking a targeted distance, keep about ten minutes for stretching and cooling phase

Pro tip: Hold each stretch for 10-20 seconds

Why is hydration important?

If you feel thirsty during the walk, take a sip of water at a time rather than gulping the whole water bottle

Pro tip: Don't drink soda or sports drink. You don't need extra electrolytes if you are going for a moderate walk