Want to avoid acne? 10 foods you should stay away from

Stay away from skim milk as it contains fat-dissolvable bovine growth hormones that may lead to acne. Choose alternatives like probiotics or other alternatives such as almond or oat milk.

Skim Milk

Refined sugar or grain-based foods can trigger inflammation and worsen acne. Opt for whole foods like fish, meat, eggs, and vegetables to maintain skin health.

Processed Carbohydrates

High-fat and sugar-rich pastries can contribute to skin issues. Choose healthier options like hard-boiled eggs, pistachios, or dark chocolate for a satisfying and nutritious dessert.


Bananas, while nutritious, can contribute to acne due to their high glycemic index. Consider rower glycaemic fruits like cherries to see if they are better for your skin.


Caffeine, sugar, and refined carbs in speciality coffees can spike cortisol, leading to breakouts. Switch to green tea and low-glycemic foods like grapefruit or hummus for a midday snack.

Specialty Coffees

Pizza, high on the glycemic index, can cause inflammation and worsen acne. Choose air-popped popcorn as a healthier, low-sodium alternative for salty cravings.


Excessive soy consumption can decrease oestrogen levels and contribute to excess sebum production. Opt for nut-based products as a substitute for soy-based alternatives.

Soy Products

Concentrated sugar in dried fruit and fruit juice can promote oil production and inflammation. Choose trail mix over energy bars for a nutritious snack with natural sweetness.

Dried Fruit and Fruit Juice

Highly processed fast food with refined carbs can cause inflammation and increased sebum production. Add Omega-3-rich foods like wild salmon, walnuts, and chia seeds to your diet.

Fast Food

Refined carbohydrates and high sugar content in candy can adversely affect the skin. Choose dark chocolate as a healthier option, as studies have disproven a link between dark chocolate and acne.
