Watch it: 10 foods that could harm your immune health
Sugary drinksSoda and sports drinks contain a high amount of sugar. This reduces the activity of white blood cells, impairing immune defence.
Fried foodsFried foods like French fries, pakoras, and doughnuts are high in trans fats and harmful compounds. They cause inflammation and impair immune system function, increasing disease susceptibility.
Processed meatsProcessed meats, like bacon and sausages, contain preservatives and high levels of sodium, which can weaken immune function, increase inflammation, and raise the risk of chronic diseases.
Refined carbsRefined carbs spike blood sugar levels, causing inflammation and reducing immune cell efficiency. This makes the body more susceptible to infections and illnesses. White bread, breakfast cereals, and pasta are examples.
AlcoholExcess alcohol disrupts gut microbiota, impairs immune cell function and reduces the body’s ability to fight infections, thus, increasing vulnerability to illnesses and slowing recovery.
High-sodium foods Foods like chips and processed meals that contain a high sodium content can trigger inflammation, disrupt immune cell function and strain the body’s ability to combat infections effectively.
Artificial sweetenersArtificial sweeteners, like aspartame and sucralose, can disrupt gut microbiota balance, negatively impacting immune system function and potentially increasing susceptibility to infections and inflammation.
Energy drinksEnergy drinks, high in sugar and caffeine, can strain the immune system, reduce immune response and increase inflammation.
Fast food Fast food is rich in unhealthy fats, salt and preservatives. These can weaken the immune system and promote inflammation.
Packaged snacks Often high in unhealthy fats, sugars and preservatives, packaged snacks lack essential nutrients and can weaken the immune system while promoting inflammation and oxidative stress.