weight loss or weight gain? 

Here's why  ghee is a must  in your daily diet

Moneycontrol News | January 18, 2024 | Images: Canva

Boosts metabolism: Ghee helps  in metabolism. Medium-chain fatty  acids present in it stimulate the fat burning and energy expenditure and facilitate in weight loss

weight loss with ghee

Reduces appetite: Ghee helps control appetite by promoting a feeling of satiety. The fats in ghee trigger the release of hormones that signal fullness, thus preventing overeating

weight loss with ghee

Balances blood sugar: Ghee has a low glycemic index, which leads to a slower rise in blood sugar levels. Stable levels contribute to reduced cravings and improved weight management

weight loss with ghee

Enhances nutrient absorption: The fat-soluble vitamins in ghee enhance the absorption of nutrients from other foods. This synergy supports overall health and improves your weight loss efforts

weight loss with ghee

Caloric density: Ghee is calorie-dense and thus provides a concentrated source of energy. Including measured amounts of ghee in your diet can be beneficial if you are seeking healthy weight gain

weight gain with ghee

Muscle growth and repair: The saturated fats in ghee play a role in muscle growth and repair. When consumed as part of a balanced diet, ghee contributes to the body's protein synthesis

weight gain with ghee

Supports digestive health: Ghee contains butyric acid, which supports gut health. A healthy digestive system ensures efficient nutrient absorption and improves overall health and weight gain

weight gain with ghee

Stabilises hormones: Adequate fat intake, which also includes ghee, is essential for hormone production. Balanced hormones contribute to a healthy weight gain process

weight gain with ghee