What Is Goat Cheese? Check The Benefits

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Producer:  Mehak Pal Editor: Aparna Singh

Goat cheese, also known as chèvre, is made from the milk of goats. It has a softer, tangier flavour than cow’s cheese.

Goat cheese also has less lactose, vitamin D, and riboflavin. Here are some surprising benefits of goat cheese you should know.


Loaded with nutrients

Goat cheese is packed with essential nutrients, including high-quality proteins, calcium, and phosphorus.


Supports weight loss

Goat cheese has low calorie and fat content which makes it an ideal choice for weight management. It can help keep you full for longer and promote weight loss.


Improves bone health

Goat cheese is a good source of selenium, magnesium, and niacin (Vitamin B3), all of which can help improve bone health.


Promotes overall well-being

Goat cheese contains bioactive compounds that can help improve its nutritional value and promote overall well-being.