is plant-based diet good for you?

Vegan options for protein, iron, calcium and vitamins

Moneycontrol News | February 19, 2024 | Images: Canva

Plant-based meats: Options like tofu, tempeh, seitan, and pea protein-based burgers and sausages are protein-packed alternative to meat. They offer proteins that aid in muscle repair and provide all the essential amino acids

Dairy substitutes: Almond, soy, oat, and coconut milk offer dairy-free substitutes rich in calcium and vitamin D. These alternatives support bone health and contribute to a well-balanced diet, particularly if you avoid dairy products

Nutritional yeast: Known for its  cheesy flavour, it's often rich in B vitamins, such as B12, making it an excellent addition if you have difficulty obtaining this essential nutrient from plant-based sources

Vegan yoghurts: Yoghurts made from coconut, almond, or soy offer probiotics and a creamy texture similar to traditional yogurt. These alternatives provide beneficial probiotics that support gut health and digestion

Egg replacements: Aquafaba (chickpea water), flax or chia seeds work well in baking or as binding agents. They are a good source of omega-3 fatty acids and fibre, which can support heart health and digestive function

Vegan cheese: Made from nuts, tofu, or seeds, these cheeses are the new favourite among vegans. Some varieties are fortified with calcium and help to meet calcium needs for bone health

Dairy-free ice cream: Made from coconut milk, almond milk, or cashews, these ice creams often contain healthy fats from plant sources and support heart health when consumed in moderation