Which are the world’s most powerful passports?  Where does India stand?

Numero uno Singapore’s passport tops the list with visa-free or visa-on-arrival access to 195 destinations.

Holding the second spot According to the Henley index, France, Germany, Italy, Spain and Japan all share the second rank.  Passport holders of these countries have visa-free access to 192 countries

Third position Coming in third are Austria, Finland, Ireland, Luxembourg, Netherlands, South Korea, Sweden. They provide the visa-free travel to 191 destinations.

Fourth rank Denmark came in fourth with visa-free travel to 190 countries globally. Belgium, New Zealand, Norway, Switzerland and United Kingdom passports are also the ones providing equal facilities.

Fifth Australian and the Portuguese passport provides extensive travel freedom, with visa-free access to 189 countries.

Sixth Greece and Poland offers its citizens visa-free travel to 188 countries.

Seventh heaven Czechia, Canada, Hungary, and Malta offers its citizens visa-free or visa-on-arrival access to 187 destinations.

Eighth The US passport allows entry to 186 destinations without requiring a visa.

Ninth The United Arab Emirates, Estonia and Lithuania share the ninth rank with passport holders of these countries being granted visa-free or visa-on-arrival access to 185 global destinations.

Tenth Icelandic passport holders enjoy visa-free travel to 184 countries worldwide along with Latvia, Slovakia, and Slovenia.

Rank 82 xIndia’s passport is ranked 82nd on the list, with citizens allowed to travel to 58 countries without a visa, including popular destinations like Indonesia, Malaysia and Thailand.

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