Floral Separator

Winter superfoods to power up your plate with


Corn is rich in ferulic acid, carotene, fibre and vitamins. It contains complex carbs which give energy for longer duration.


Rich in essential nutrients like calcium, magnesium, and iron. Sesame seeds generate heat in the body and are commonly used in sweets like til ladoo during the winter months.

     Sesame seeds

Sweet potatoes, rich in vitamins, fiber and antioxidants, make a nutritious and warming choice in winter, supporting immune health and providing sustained energy.

      Sweet potato

Bajra is a great substitute for rice and wheat. Rich in minerals and fibre, it slows ageing and prevents metabolic diseases.

   Pearl millet (Bajra)

(Image: Canva)

Mustard greens are packed with nutrients, including vitamins A, C, and K. Sarson ka Saag, a traditional Punjabi dish, is a popular winter delicacy in India.

Mustard leaves (Sarson ka saag)

Jaggery is a natural sweetener rich in iron, magnesium and potassium. It helps in keeping the body warm and is often consumed with sesame seeds to make sweets like gur-chana.
