World Environment Day

5 things you can do to give our planet a fighting chance

Moneycontrol News June 5, 2023

1. Say no to plastics

1One of the major sources of air, water, and land pollution, plastic and its improper disposal has been a death blow to the planet. Switching to greener alternatives will go a long way to protect the environment.

2. Green mode of transport

Whether it's choosing to cycle to work or switching to an electric vehicle (EV), using an environment-friendly mode of transport goes a long way in reducing pollution.

3. Restrict buying  animal-related products

Buying products created with animal parts only encourages more killing and especially poaching. Switching to greener alternatives will mean giving a new lease of life to animals.

4. Preserve water

Out of that three per cent fresh water on earth, only 1.2 per cent can be used as drinking water. With fresh and drinking water levels on the fall, make sure you are not wasting any water while  showering, washing, cooking etc.

5. Choose green energy

 Power plants are one of the primary sources of air pollution leading to global warming. Switching to eco-friendly alternatives such as solar power will not only reduce pollution, but also your  electricity bills.