World Menstrual Hygiene Day: 7 alternatives to sanitary pads

Menstrual Cups These reusable bell-shaped cups are a better option in the long run. Made of silicone, rubber or thermoplastic elastomer, they collect menstrual blood rather than absorbing it and can be used for up to 10 years.

Tampons Tampons are a good alternative as these are the most widely used option after pads. These come in different sizes to suit your flow and are easy to carry. You can swim, shower or take a bath while wearing a tampon.

Cloth Pads Washable and reusable cloth pads are a great option to use during your period. These are available in various sizes and are generally made of leak-proof cotton material that helps in controlling odour and leaks. 

Biodegradable Pads These pads are made from natural materials like banana fiber, bamboo or cotton that easily break down. This makes it environmentally friendly.

Period Panties Period panties use an absorbent fabric that can retain liquid up to two tampons. These are helpful for those girls who are not aware of when their period will begin.

Menstrual Sponges These just look like regular sponges but serve an absolutely different purpose. These are inserted in order to absorb menstrual blood. Sponges can be reused up to 12 months.

Menstrual Discs Similar to a menstrual cup, this is in the form of a disc. These are touted to be easier to insert and remove than a menstrual cup. It can hold up to 12 hours of protection and hold up to 70 ml of liquid.

World Menstrual Hygiene Day: Debunking 10 myths about periods