World Obesity Day: Debunking 10 common myths about the condition

Myth: Obesity will certainly cause diabetes Fact: Obesity increases the risk of developing type 2 diabetes. It's not guaranteed that everyone who is obese will develop diabetes.

Myth: Eating less can help with obesity Fact: Overeating is not the only cause of weight gain. Inadequate sleep, chronic pain, stress, and hormonal imbalances are all contributing factors. Portion control is essential, but it isn't the only solution. 

Myth: Obesity is solely caused by poor lifestyle choices Fact: While diet and physical activity play an important role, genetics, hormonal imbalances, medications, and underlying health conditions all contribute to obesity.

Myth: Obesity is only about excessive body fat Fact: Obesity is a multifaceted condition that includes not only excess body fat but also metabolic changes, inflammation, and hormonal imbalances.

Myth: Obesity is just a cosmetic issue. Fact: Obesity is about more than just appearance. It has a significant impact on health by increasing the risk of heart disease, diabetes, sleep apnoea, joint problems, and certain cancers.

Myth: Every obese person faces the same health risks Fact: Individual risk is influenced by factors such as fat distribution (abdominal vs. peripheral), fitness level, and metabolic health. Some obese people may have healthier metabolic profiles than others.

Myth: Losing weight is always beneficial Fact: Weight loss can improve many people's health, but it is not always beneficial. Rapid or extreme weight loss can have negative consequences for muscle mass, bone density, and overall health.

Myth: Obesity is irreversible Fact: Obesity is difficult to completely reverse, but long-term weight management is possible. It entails long-term lifestyle changes, such as balanced eating, physical activity, and addressing root causes.

Myth: Obesity is just a matter of willpower Fact: Obesity is caused by a complex interaction of biological, environmental, and genetic factors. Blaming willpower oversimplifies the situation and ignores the bigger picture. Compassion and understanding are critical in combating obesity.

Myth: Bariatric surgery is the only effective solution Fact: Bariatric surgery can be beneficial for some people, but it is not the only option. Lifestyle changes, behavioural therapy, and medical management all play important roles.

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