World Population Day: These are the least populated countries

With 510 residents, Vatican City is the world's smallest country in terms of both area (109 acres) and population.

There are around 11,312 people living in Tuvalu, a country of nine coral islands in the Pacific Ocean.

With a population of 12,688, Nauru is a remote Pacific Island country like Tuvalu.

With 15 islands and a total land area of 93 square miles, the Cook Islands are an island nation in the South Pacific Ocean. A meagre 15,040 people call this country home.

With 18,055 inhabitants, Palau is another country in the Pacific Ocean. Its 340 islands total 180 square miles.

Like Vatican City, San Marino is a tiny, sovereign nation fully within the borders of Italy. 33,660 individuals reside there.

On the French Riviera, there is a famous city-state called Monaco. It has one of the smallest populations in the world (just 36,469 people).

With a population of 39,327, Liechtenstein is a minuscule landlocked nation on the border of Switzerland and Austria.

There are 41,569 people living in the Marshall Islands, a nation in the Pacific Ocean made up of five islands and 29 coral atolls.

With a total geographical area of 101 sq miles, St Kitts and Nevis is a nation of 47,657 inhabitants that reside on two islands.