World Sight Day Essential tips for maintaining good eyesight

Regular Eye Exams: Schedule routine eye examinations with an optometrist or ophthalmologist to detect any vision problems

Healthy Diet:  Consume a well-balanced diet rich in fruits, vegetables, and foods high in vitamins and nutrients like vitamin A, C, E, and omega-3 fatty acids

Stay Hydrated:  Drink an adequate amount of water to maintain overall health and prevent dry eyes

Protect Your Eyes from UV Rays:  Wear sunglasses that offer UV protection when you're outdoors to reduce the risk of eye conditions related to UV exposure

Follow the 20-20-20 Rule:   Close-up tasks and computer workers must take a 20-second break every 20 minutes and focus on something at least 20 feet away to reduce eye strain

Quit Smoking:  Smoking is associated with an increased risk of several eye conditions, including cataracts and age-related macular degeneration

Limit Screen Time:  Use blue light filters on screens, take regular breaks, and ensure proper lighting in your workspace

Eye Safety:  When playing sports or working with hazardous materials, wear appropriate protective eyewear

Manage Chronic Conditions: Conditions like diabetes and high blood pressure can affect your eyes

Get Adequate Sleep Ensure you get 7-8 hours of sleep each night to allow your eyes to rest and recover