By Vivek Dubey

Published Feb 20, 2024

Taller than Eiffel Tower, world’s highest rail bridge opens in Jammu

Inauguration Day

Prime Minister Narendra Modi inaugurates the world’s highest rail bridge in Jammu, marking a significant day in Indian infrastructure.

Engineering Feat

Announced in 2002, the steel and concrete arch bridge overcame weather and terrain challenges during its construction.

Towering Heights

Standing 359 metres above the Chenab river, the bridge connects the Kashmir Valley and is taller than the Eiffel Tower.

Cost and Praise

Constructed at a cost of Rs 1,486 crore, the Chenab rail bridge is hailed as an engineering marvel by the Railways.

Impressive Span

The Chenab rail bridge, spanning 1,315 metres, boasts stations at both ends, enhancing connectivity in the region.

Boosting Development

The bridge paves the way for increased tourism, industry, and development in the region, according to the Railway Ministry.