Yellow Teeth?
These 9 foods and drinks are to blame
The popular morning beverage contains polyphenol compounds, which can stain teeth over time.
Tea is another common beverage that can stain your teeth over time. But stains can be prevented by adding two per cent milk to the tea.
Blackberries, blueberries or any other dark-coloured berries containing dark pigments can cause teeth-staining for a longer time.
Fruit juice
Though fruit juices are healthy, juices of cranberries, beets and other dark-coloured fruits can potentially stain your teeth.
Red wine
The acidic nature of red wine leads to the widening of enamels and the dark colours get etched to the teeth.
Soy sauce
Soy sauce is a dark-pigmented sauce, which causes tooth discolouration and sets in the enamel of teeth.
Candies especially dark-coloured chocolates can stick to teeth and cause staining.
Energy drinks
Very popular yet so harsh on the teeth that it can cause the breakdown of enamel and staining of teeth.
Beets can cause teeth staining and can potentially convert your pearly whites into bright red ones.
World Smile Day:
9 health benefits of showing off your pearly whites
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