aerial yoga

What is it, best exercises, how to practice it

Moneycontrol News | January 5, 2024 | Images: Canva

Aerial yoga, also known as anti-gravity yoga, incorporates a silk hammock or swing suspended from the ceiling to support and elevate practitioners above the ground

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Flying Pigeon Pose: Begin by sitting  in the hammock with one leg extended and the other knee bent, placing  the foot on the hammock. Lean forward and extend the arms while lifting the body, balancing on the  bent leg. This pose strengthens  the core and opens the hips

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Cocoon Pose: Wrap yourself in the hammock, and sway gently. This restorative pose relaxes the spine, shoulders, and neck while promoting  a sense of calmness

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Upside-Down Facing Dog: Lean forward and place hands on the floor, allowing the hammock to support the hips. Extend legs, creating an inverted V-shape. This asana stretches the spine, shoulders, and hamstrings

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Floating Savasana: Lie back in the hammock with legs extended and arms resting by your sides. This final relaxation pose promotes deep relaxation, allowing the body to surrender completely

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Aerial Plank: With hands on the floor and feet suspended in the hammock, create a straight line from head to heels. Engage the core muscles to maintain stability, enhancing overall strength and balance

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