A simple pose for both beginner and intermediate yogis—Easy Pose or Sukhasana is an uncomplicated therapeutic pose which calms the mind and reduces stress and anxiety.
Uttanasana has many benefits which include quieting a busy mind, promoting calmness, and balancing the nervous system. It’s also mostly used as a transition between poses.
Child’s pose is perfect for quieting a busy mind and soothing the adrenals. This pose allows you to embrace your inner child, hence the name Child’s Pose.
Eagle Pose or Garudasana is an intricate pose allowing you to “squeeze” out the tension in your body and focus on your balance, helping to alleviate stress and improve your concentration.
Bridge Pose or Setu Bandha Sarvangasana acts as a mild inversion, with the heart higher than the head. It helps calm the brain and central nervous system, promote ease and relaxation, alleviate stress, anxiety, and mild depression.
The Extended Triangle Pose is the perfect full-body stretch to help relieve stress and reduce anxiety. The pose is a standing asana in modern-day yoga