International Yoga Day: From crunches to inversions, yoga poses to avoid during pregnancy

Postures with belly down Poses like the cobra or locust positions should be modified. You should avoid lying down on your stomach after the second trimester. 

Deep backbends Although it feels good to relax and open your front body, this posture can lead to overstretching the abdomen resulting in abdominal separation.

Crunches Poses that compress the abdomen like the crow pose, knee-to-chest poses and plank poses among others can put pressure on the abdominal muscles. 

Inversions Poses like the headstand and handstand can be dangerous for pregnant women. During these poses a lot of pressure is put on the cervical spine and neck. 

Laying on your back Poses that require you to lay on your back for more than 90 seconds should be avoided after the first trimester.

Postures that twist Twisted chair, twisting moon and revolved triangle among other positions that require you to twist your body should not be practised. 

Breath retention Poses like the kapalbhati should be skipped as they put pressure on the abdomen. It can be swapped with diaphragmatic and ujjayi breathing.

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